How (not) to (not) take things too serious(ly)
“Being taken seriously means missing out on the chance to be frivolous, promiscuous, and irrelevant. The desire to be taken seriously is precisely what compels people to follow the tried and true paths of knowledge production around which I would like to map a few detours. Indeed, terms like serious and rigorous tend to be code words, in academia as well as other context. For disciplinary correctness: they signal a form of training and learning that confirms what is already known according to approved methods of knowing, but they do not allow for visionary insights of flights of fancy.”[1]
[1] Halsall, 2016
But, in what ways can the mind be limited by the realization that work is ultimately judged by predetermined standards (for example by a teacher but also by other social constructs)?
Judging the Other and the interaction between individuals within a ‘judging setting’ sometimes makes these actions and reactions, in my opinion, too serious.
Therefore, I sometimes feel the need to play with one-way relations within hierarchical systems.
Or the need to just play around.
To be terribly inefficient.